Saturday, December 31, 2011

So Begins... 2012

From reading some blogs over the last couple of days, I got this quote! I really like it and
thought I'd share it with all of you too!

For quite a few years now, I've enjoyed following Ali Edwards blog. In her blog, she has shared her one word concept which has become a tradition of hers. Every January she decides on her new word. A word to focus on, mediate on and reflect upon in her daily life. So this year I thought I would start this tradition. I think its going to be very inspiring over the year.
My One Little Word of 2012 is...... embrace

2011 brought lots of joy to my life. My dear wonderful man got down on one knee here on October 8th at our store and ask me to marry him. I said yes and I cannot wait to begin planning for our 2013 wedding! I am so excited to create everything for our wedding day. I also got the honor of being an aunt for the first time on my side of the family in 2011 to the most amazing twin little boys. It's an incredible feeling to be an aunt (I wonder what if feels like to hold your own baby for the first time because the feeling I got with these two little guys was truly the best day of my life). It's also great being an aunt to twins because I don't have to worry about sharing one baby between my dad and I. *hehe Also cannot forget at the beginning of 2011, moving my store into my beautiful new store front. Even though had some amazing moments of 2011, I'm glad to say goodbye to a wonderful but challenging year. In 2012, I really want to embrace the side of me that makes me happy a little bit more, put a little drive into it and enjoy. This year is going be full of making plans... decision making... and embracing everything along the way. Now off to create my first page of 2012! Bye for now!


Thursday, December 22, 2011


I'm having a bit of design block right now, so I thought I'd take the time to update my blog. I've been busy doing quite a few different projects this month for other people and its been busy. Unfortunately, getting none of the things I had planned completed for myself, but that will be some projects for January! I cannot wait to do something for me! Number one creative priority for January is putting together my December Daily. I have been pretty good at taking pictures everyday and somewhat documenting life in December, but the fun part of putting it all together hasn't been completed.

Is anyone else creating at this time of year? If so what are you working on?

I thought I'd give you a sneak peek in the creative disaster that I have made working away! It's scaring how fast a creative disaster can happen after having your head down scrapping away. Hopefully it won't take to long to clean up when I finish up later on! I'll show you pictures of what I have been working on as soon as I have a creative block again or get a free moment!

Happy Scrappin' or Crafting Everyone!