Friday, February 3, 2012


A question I get asked a lot is where do you get your ideas, not all of them out of my creative brain, a lot of the time the idea is kick started somewhere else and it just flows into a new idea. Sometimes it's an original creation and comes straight from me. Sometimes it's not an "original" creation at all, but something I loved so much I did it almost exact! I am hesitant on copying EXACTLY, but that's just me, need to add my little flair! I am working on this blog to post some of my creativity and share with others. So if you get inspired by me, I find it a compliment that you like my work and want to copy it for yourself! Just let others know where you got your idea from!

I enjoy getting inspired by others, and as soon as I found out about Pinterest, well I was addicted. There are days where, I just want to do something creative but I just cannot come up with an idea and being able to go somewhere for inspiration to kick start a project is great.

Well for those of you that haven't gotten yourself into pinterest, or wondering what pinterest is?
Pinterest is a virtual pinboard!
"Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, organize their favourite receipes and of course get inspiration for scrapbooking/cardmaking!

Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interest. To get started go over to their webpage and request an invite."

Warning: hours can pass by without knowing!

As I was on Pinterest, I came across this... it made me laugh! Just wanted to show it all to you, I think if you are a pinterest user you will get it kick out of it and laugh too!
Well, Inspiration is flowing now maybe I can get a page or two complete over the weekend! Hope you can find somewhere to inspire you too! Where do you find your inspiration?
Hopefully I will get a moment to post some layouts that I have been working on next week! It's a busy life as a business owner and I been working hard on a HUGE project for my store. Will let you know about it soon!