About Me

About me... well first off my name is Jodie Nuhn.  I live in London, Ontario, in a new home with my wonderful.. supportive... amazing fiance Heinrich.  I was born and raised in a small town called Ayton.  Loved my childhood, so blessed with wonderful family and friends.  I have the greatest parents in the whole wide world, they are there for me and my two awesome brothers for anything.  We, as a family over 3 years ago, purchased a scrapbook store that I had been working at for 4 years prior to us owning it.  Scrapbook Memories is our pride and joy right now.  We recently moved our store into our new home.. and wow do we ever love it, its been an amazing change.   I wouldn't be where I am today without family.... my extended family too... my aunts... uncles... cousins... and my best of friends.  If you have heard some of our stories you know we are a close knit family and I wouldn't want it any other way.  They simply are the best and well you'll see them throughout my layouts that I do.  I am a proud God-Mommy to Avery.  I was soo very excited when I was asked by my cousin to be her Godmother.  She is the best and you will definitely see lots of her in my pages!  She definitely is an inspiration to me.

As well as someone else, I lost a dear friend Stacey over two years ago to cancer, she has inspired me to tell my story through scrapbooking.  Even though I had started scrapbooking before we met (working at the scrapbook store), she thought me soo much about the craft and well about life.  Things have really changed in the scrapbooking industry over the years... but I will never forget the times we had together and those techniques she did.  She was an amazing scrapbooker and mommy.  She is my inspiration... she is missed by many.  I wish I could of told her how much of an impact she was in my life.  But I believe it shows through my work, and I will always think of her through every page I do. Each page I do is from the heart.

Even though I do not have kids of my own, someday... just busy doing what I do now.  I think I will make a good mommy.. just not quite yet.  But when I do... well you will hear all about it.  I simply love kids... a lot of my pages I do are of kids!  Many are of my cousin's children that mean the world to me and NOW my twin nephews (whom are simply the cutest.. but I am a bit bias)...  Henry's nieces and nephews... my friend's children... and of course my family.   It's important to tell our story... but what better way then in our scrapbooks.

I have meet so many people being in this industry... so many wonderful people... heard so many wonderful stories... even sad stories.. but some of those sad stories have had happy endings... with many great stories to come. So many of them are so inspiring and make you think differently about life.  I love what I do.. I have passion for what I do.  I wouldn't give it up for the world and cannot wait to share so much with you all.

Thanks for visiting... if you live close to London... come visit with me at the store.  If you ever need help.. or what to learn to scrapbook.. I'm here for inspiration.  I'd love to take on a project and tell someones story in a handmade scrapbook.. handmade from my heart for you!